Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Quite simply, Keto is a diet that helps your body reach Ketosis.
Ketosis is when your body is burning fat at an increased rate because it is no longer using carbs or glucose as it's main energy source.

Side effects may include:
Better digestion, increased energy levels, reduction in acne, low/no flatulence, rapid (healthy) weight loss, more restful sleep (resulting in less hours needed to wake up rested), lower bad cholesterol, and reduced risk of Diabetes.

Others have explained Keto much better than I could, and you should check out these great sources of info:
Keto in a Nutshell
Fat Head (The author of this website also did a documentary with the same name that's available on Netflix)
How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need

The Quick and Dirty 

Say No
Give up starches (potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, and grains), refined sugars, and weird syrups and oils (soybean, high fructose corn syrup, vegetable oils).

• Meat (red meat, chicken, fish, bacon, and pork are all on the table), cheese, butter, vegetables (limit carrots), fruits (in moderation), and dairy (full fat varieties).
• If you're dying for some sweets or baked goods there are great flour alternatives like; Almond Flour, Flaxseed Meal, and Coconut Flour.
• Need some oil for cooking? Grab some Olive oil, Coconut oil, or animal lard (no Crisco!).
• Eat when you're hungry and snack as you will just keep your snacks 0g carb. 

Record your Food
Use a food diary (I recommend My Fitness Pal.) to track your diet and try to keep your carb intake under 50g a day. The rule of thumb for true Keto is under 20g a day so that you can reach Ketosis but if you're just looking to eat better and still lose weight you can stick with the much easier to achieve 50g per day.

Check the Label
The easiest way to make a change is just to read nutrition labels! Pay attention to serving sizes because manufacturers will often try to make their product seem healthier by putting an impossibly small serving size on the label.

Just keep calm, and Keto on. :)

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