
I've always been pretty tiny. I had never struggled with my weight like many girls my age did and I never, ever watched what I ate. Then, my metabolism handed in it's two weeks notice and the garbage I was eating started to stick. After getting married, buying  a home, then remodeling said home, I realized I was a stress eater and that I had to make a change. The hubs and I tried counting calories, diet products, and even ate the 'skinny' meals advertised at restaurants, but we were both still gaining.
Then we found Keto. We've only converted recently, but we're already convinced that the food pyramid presented by the U.S. government is flawed and that the changes we've made have made us healthier, happier, and fuller! I've never found a diet that's actually sustainable, but this one is it.

So, I'm starting this blog to document things worth eating and our progress, so maybe other people can see that it's easy and start living a bit healthier too.

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